Introducing NVvR

General information Dutch Society of Radiology in English

The Dutch Society of Radiology (NVvR) was founded on April 14th, 1901. The Society looks after the interests of its members. It aims to ensure easy accessibility to and quality of radiology and promotes a positive attitude towards radiology and radiologists in The Netherlands.

The Society guarantees the availability of capable, well educated radiologists by carefully estimating both the future need and available capacity for the profession and ensuring that there are sufficient training facilities and refresher courses available. The Society safeguards high quality radiological care by developing and carrying out a policy of stimulating scientific research, information and communications technology, medical technology, quality control, internal audit and organisational improvement.

The Society maintains close contacts with politics, government, scientific associations, foreign sister-associations and other relevant parties in the community in order to ensure the social position of the radiologist and provide a good base for the execution and continuity of the profession. The Society is governed by a board of directors with a number of sub-divisions ('secties'), committees and work groups and is supported by an office. The NVvR has around 1200 active members, 400 junior members, and 200 retired members.

This website is sorted in pillars, similar to in which the society itself is organised: quality, education and training, daily practice and science and innovation. Part of this site is only accessible for members. The majority of the site is in the Dutch language.

The following English publications may be of interest to you:
Foreign diploma (BIG-registration) and other info about foreign licenses from the Royal Dutch Medical association about working in Dutch healthcare sector. See also a list of Dutch teaching hospitals for radiology
Request form for CME accreditation of an activity outside of the Netherlands
A list of upcoming activities for radiologists

For further information please contact.